5 Practical Techniques For Better Work From Home

Nowadays due to the Corona virus disease we are forced to do our work, from home. In earlier  times we use our home for relaxing and for spending time with our beloved ones.  but now we have to change our leisure place to a strict work place.How can we do that? Here I am providing you a few but essential techniques to change our home to a better home office.

  • Separate Workspace. 

This is the fundamental thing for getting more productivity while work from home. The real benefit of the separate workspace is that, it is easy to convince our family members about the importance and attention we give to our job. When we are in that workspace we have to do only our job. This separate workspace should be a different space from our usual place or family get together place. It is better to arrange one table and chair in that space. If you are struggling space constraint, you can set up a space in your own bedroom, by allocating separate space in our bedroom or separating our space in our own bed from a different position from our usual space. The psychological theory behind this separate workspace is proven by great Doctors. If we can allocate  a separate space and we are only doing our work at that space, we used to, whenever we enter into that space we automatically motivated to do our job.

  • Strict working time.

Everyone has a misconception about work from home is that the employees will take so much time for relaxation but the actual thing that happening is a different thing. That is a lot of people forgot the thing to take breaks during the work. It will create so much defects to the workers productivity. There fore all workers should set a time space for work and everyone should leave the workspace after the allocated time reached its end. The main advantage of this thing is that we got enough time to spent with our family and friends and also we can do our work with almost full productivity. We don't need to mix our personal life with our work life.

  • Keep the usual office attire 

Work clothing and office attire is also important for work from home. There are 2 important benefits for this technique, first one is, it will help us to psychologically motivate and do our work while pretending like we are in office and the second benefit is that while we are attending a meeting it is easy and convenient if we are in our office attire.

  • Create a clear cut terms with family and friends.

The main distraction comes from our beloved family or friends while we are doing our work from home. So firstly we have to set our ground rules with them. We should clearly inform them about our breaks, meeting time, and all other timings. Thus we can avoid accidental intervention from our family and friends to our workspace.

  • Better work ending routine.

If we are working from office we have an exit time from office and we are sometimes forced to complete our work before that and we came to our shelter. During the chatting with our 
colleagues at the end of the day or during the travelling from office to home, we got enough time to leave the work pressure from our brain and body and get a good mental atmosphere to chill with family and friends. So while we are doing work from home, we also have to create a routine to end our day properly by taking a walk with our pet dog or watching some favorite series or having an day end meet with colleagues. It will help us to inform our body and mind that today's work is over and the leisure time is starting now.


If we follow these practical techniques we can be a good productive efficient employee for our company and a good responsible family person and a joyful friend too.
